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- /* ASTExpression.h */
- #ifndef Included_ASTExpression_h
- #define Included_ASTExpression_h
- /* ASTExpression module depends on */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* TrashTracker */
- /* Memory */
- /* PcodeObject */
- /* CompilerRoot */
- /* ASTArrayDeclaration */
- /* ASTAssignment */
- /* ASTBinaryOperator */
- /* ASTConditional */
- /* ASTExpressionList */
- /* ASTFuncCall */
- /* ASTLoop */
- /* ASTOperand */
- /* ASTUnaryOperator */
- /* ASTVariableDeclaration */
- /* SymbolTableEntry */
- #include "PcodeObject.h"
- #include "CompilerRoot.h"
- struct ASTExpressionRec;
- typedef struct ASTExpressionRec ASTExpressionRec;
- /* all memory allocated in this module is through TrashTracker */
- typedef enum
- {
- eExprArrayDeclaration EXECUTE(= -9769),
- eExprAssignment,
- eExprBinaryOperator,
- eExprConditional,
- eExprExpressionList,
- eExprFunctionCall,
- eExprLoop,
- eExprOperand,
- eExprUnaryOperator,
- eExprVariableDeclaration,
- eExprErrorForm,
- eExprWaveGetter
- } ExprTypes;
- /* forwards */
- struct TrashTrackRec;
- struct ASTArrayDeclRec;
- struct ASTAssignRec;
- struct ASTBinaryOpRec;
- struct ASTCondRec;
- struct ASTExprListRec;
- struct ASTFuncCallRec;
- struct ASTLoopRec;
- struct ASTOperandRec;
- struct ASTUnaryOpRec;
- struct ASTVarDeclRec;
- struct ASTErrorFormRec;
- struct ASTWaveGetterRec;
- struct SymbolRec;
- /* construct a generic expression around an array declaration */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprArrayDecl(struct ASTArrayDeclRec* TheArrayDeclaration,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around an assignment statement */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprAssignment(struct ASTAssignRec* TheAssignment,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a binary operator */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprBinaryOperator(struct ASTBinaryOpRec* TheBinaryOperator,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a conditional. */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprConditional(struct ASTCondRec* TheConditional,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a list of expressions. */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprSequence(struct ASTExprListRec* TheExpressionList,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a function call */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprFunctionCall(struct ASTFuncCallRec* TheFunctionCall,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a loop */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprLoop(struct ASTLoopRec* TheLoop,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around an operand */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprOperand(struct ASTOperandRec* TheOperand,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a unary operator */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprUnaryOperator(struct ASTUnaryOpRec* TheUnaryOperator,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a variable declaration */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprVariableDeclaration(struct ASTVarDeclRec* TheVariableDecl,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around an error form */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprErrorForm(struct ASTErrorFormRec* TheErrorForm,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* construct a generic expression around a wave getter */
- ASTExpressionRec* NewExprWaveGetter(struct ASTWaveGetterRec* TheWaveGetter,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker, long TheLineNumber);
- /* type check an expression. returns eCompileNoError and the resulting value */
- /* type if it checks correctly. */
- CompileErrors TypeCheckExpression(DataTypes* ResultTypeOut,
- ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression, long* ErrorLineNumber,
- struct TrashTrackRec* TrashTracker);
- /* get a symbol table entry out of an expression. this is used for getting */
- /* function generation stuff. */
- CompileErrors ExpressionGetFunctionCallSymbol(struct SymbolRec** SymbolOut,
- ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* find out if the expression is a valid lvalue */
- MyBoolean IsExpressionValidLValue(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* find out what kind of expression it is */
- ExprTypes WhatKindOfExpressionIsThis(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* generate code for any expression. returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenExpression(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode, long* StackDepthParam,
- ASTExpressionRec* Expression);
- /* get the operand from the generic expression */
- struct ASTOperandRec* GetOperandOutOfExpression(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* get the binary operator out of the generic expression */
- struct ASTBinaryOpRec* GetBinaryOperatorOutOfExpression(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* get the type of value that is returned by this expression */
- DataTypes GetExpressionsResultantType(ASTExpressionRec* TheExpression);
- /* generate code for an expression. returns True if successful, or False if it fails. */
- MyBoolean CodeGenExpression(struct PcodeRec* FuncCode,
- long* StackDepthParam, ASTExpressionRec* Expression);
- #endif